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Home features Ohio buyers want the most

Selling your home, although exciting, can be a dreadful task. There’s a lot that you need to accomplish, and the stakes are pretty high. If you’re looking to sell your property quickly, the pressure is even greater. However, as with anything in life, some tips and tricks could make this challenging process a lot less painful. One of the best pieces of advice is that you need to look at the market you’re in to succeed. Not all rules apply to every situation. Here are some ideas that should be profitable if you’re trying to figure out which home features Ohio buyers want the most.

Practicality and accessibility above all else

Whether you’ll do this once and never again or house flipping is something that you plan on continuing to do, you need to have the same approach. One of the universal things that all buyers will want is practicality. If you can find a way to make specific home features aesthetically pleasing along with practical, that would be great. However, if you’re not able to do so, always opt for accessibility. People want a home that’ll make their lives easier and that won’t clash with a quick pace of living that’s common today.

Home feature details that make Ohio buyers want your home

  • A laundry room
  • A tidy laundry room could really set your home apart. However, it doesn’t have to be a full-blown laundry room if you don’t have enough space. You can simply use whatever extra space you have to squeeze in a washing machine and a dryer.
  • Extra space for storage
  • If your home is larger than the standard, a home feature that Ohio buyers want the most is space for their unused items. Taking the time to make the extra room suitable for storage will help prospective buyers see your home’s potential.
  • A well-used garage, attic, and basement
  • Don’t leave spaces like your garage, basement, or attic messy and cluttered. Make use of this space as much as you can. It’s not a hard thing to do, but it’ll add value to your home and its overall appearance.


If practicality is a home feature that buyers in Ohio want, you can’t go wrong with saving space. If you don’t have enough room for a laundry room, why not make the most of your kitchen?

A kitchen with a laundry machine in it.

Try to keep your opinion out of the matter

Once you move into your future home, there’ll be plenty of room for your taste regarding home features to shine. Until then, you shouldn’t let it play too grand of a role in the remodeling of the home you wish to sell. In order to truly understand the home features Ohio buyers want the most, you need to set your own perspective aside. There’s no room for subjectivity. One of the best ways to do so is to consult professionals and let them advise you.

Don’t clutter the space

Try not to overcrowd your home. Having too many items lying around will make your home look messy, unorganized, and smaller than it actually is. If you already have space that’s too cluttered, remove extra furniture without damaging it before you start to redecorate.


If you wish to get the best payoff, you need to find a way to focus on those home features that Ohio buyers will appreciate. Consumer tastes in general usually vary from one region to another as well as in regard to timing. For this reason, you need to consult your real estate agent and see which styles are in right now. Once you get the information you’re looking for, you need to choose which styles, trends, and features are of uttermost importance. You probably don’t want to spend an insane amount of money. This means that you’ll have to choose a couple of statement pieces and make them shine.

Don’t force what isn’t practical

Some of the qualities Ohio buyers would appreciate could be something entirely unattainable for your property. For example, having multiple bedrooms will surely up the price of your home. However, if you don’t have enough space to make this happen by renovating, accept this fact.


Instead of desperately trying to get a home with more bedrooms by renovating, make your master bedroom shine.

A beautiful big bedroom that’s respecting all the rules of home features that Ohio home buyers want the most.

Arrange a virtual house tour

There’s no better way to attract a significant number of prospective home buyers than to arrange a virtual tour. This way, they don’t even have to leave their homes to see yours. Speaking of accessibility, make sure to do this right. If you’re not familiar with the necessary technology, hire someone who is. When done properly, a visual tour could show off all the home features Ohio buyers will love.

Hire the right people to help with the home features Ohio buyers want the most

If you need a storage unit, help selling your home or buying a new one, staging your home for sale, or moving, it’s sometimes necessary to hire the right people and companies. With reliable and experienced people by your side, you will quickly solve any issues. For example, if you’re looking for a facility where your possessions will be safe, the moving company you have hired to transport your belongings can surely recommend someone trustworthy or offer you storage solutions. Similarly, if you need help with any aspect of selling a house, hire real estate agents. You won’t regret this decision. If you find the right company and tell them what you need, they’ll not only help you discover home features that Ohio buyers desire, they’ll also help you in other areas by using their connections.


Home features Ohio buyers want the least are kitschy items and style. Don’t go too crazy with the colors.

A sample pallet with a lot of bright colors.

Home features Ohio buyers want the least

If you genuinely want to be successful at knowing which home features Ohio buyers want, you need to focus on what they don’t want as well. It isn’t as hard as it sounds. The last thing anyone wants is to invest in home renovation projects that won’t increase their home value, so take a look at some things you should steer clear of.

  • Tone down any crazy colors

Especially on walls or any larger surfaces, you don’t want to make color statements. The same goes for odd wallpapers. Don’t overdo colors or shapes.

  • Any unresolved issues

If there’s a home feature that any buyer wants the least, it’s an unresolved pest problem. If your home has any previous issues, make sure they are fully taken care of. Making an appointment for an inspection is a great way to have some peace of mind on the matter.

  • Rooms that take up space without reason

One of the home features Ohio buyers want the most is undoubtedly a well-used space. Try to make use of every nook and cranny of your home, either in practicality or aesthetics.





Alt feature: A living room and kitchen area decorated to go with all the home features that Ohio buyers like the most.

Meta: If you’re trying to deduce which home features Ohio buyers want the most, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s cover the basics.