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Is it better to buy or rent in Ohio?

Featured alt: A home in Ohio.

A substantial number of people find homes in Ohio every month. Some move from other states in order to see what life they can lead here. Meanwhile, others simply change cities or neighborhoods in Ohio. And if there is one thing all of those people have to consider, it’s whether to buy or rent in Ohio. So, to help you out, we are going to explore this difficult question a bit and, hopefully, shine some light on key aspects of it.

What you should consider before you buy or rent in Ohio

Figuring out whether to buy or rent in Ohio is dependant on numerous factors. As you will soon learn, these factors can drastically vary from person to person, which is why there is no easy yes-or-no answer when it comes to finding a home in Ohio. So, we would first advise you to carefully consider your situation. Some of the questions you’ll need to answer are:

  • What is your financial situation?
  • Have you lived in Ohio before?
  • Why do you want to live in Ohio?
  • How long do you want to stay in Ohio?
  • Where in Ohio do you plan on living?

Learn more about Ohio before you decide on whether to rent or buy a home here.

Alt: A photo of Columbus, showing you what you need to explore before you buy or rent in Ohio.

Answering these questions will help you better weigh the pros and cons of both buying and renting in Ohio. The last question we mentioned is especially important as living in Ohio can be quite different based on where you are situated. By the same token, getting a home in Columbus can be quite different from getting Perrysburg. This is why,before you invest in Ohio real estate, you need to answer the aforementioned questions.

The pros and cons of buying

Owning your own home sure sounds nice. Having a piece of real estate that you can remodel and modify as you see fit is a dream for a lot of people. But, as you might anticipate, there are certain downsides to buying a home. For a lot of people, this is the biggest financial investment of their lives, which is why renting is still something that you should consider. But, first, let’s take stock of what pros and cons of buying a home in Ohio there are.

Pros of buying

Owning your own home means that you can organize and remodel it as you see fit. The feeling of this is hard to overstate, especially if you want to start a family. Since you are the owner, you can incorporate whatever piece of furniture, art, or technology you see fit and use it to better your everyday life.

Compared to other states, Ohio can be surprisingly cost-efficient with the median home price being below the U.S. average. Furthermore, if you decide to leave Ohio and move to your new place of living, you can always choose to rent your Ohio home. Therefore, owning a home can actually earn you money in the long tun.

Being able to raise a child in a home that you own is one of the best feelings in the world.

Alt: A pregnant woman and a man making a heart sign with their hands.

Cons of buying

As we mentioned before, homes are by default quite expensive. The average home price in Ohio is $153,593, and that is if you take into account all of the smaller areas. Getting a home in Columbus will cost you $174,109. Now, this is below the U.S. average of around $200,000, but, it is by no means cheap.

Unfortunately, this substantial cost doesn’t come with a guarantee that you will live in your home. Now more then ever, people change jobs. And going to a different state for a better one is difficult if you already own a home. Furthermore, being a homeowner comes with its own set of responsibilities, which is why not every person is suitable for being one.

The pros and cons of renting

Renting, on the other hand, is the cheaper option. There are no difficult remodeling jobs to deal with. And you have to spend little time and money when it comes to renovation and maintenance. But, just like buying a home in Ohio, there are certain downsides that you should be aware of.

Pros of renting

An often overlooked pro of renting is that it gives you the freedom to relocate whenever you see fit. Be it for a new job, or simply to change up your life a bit, you can always pack your belongings and relocate. You can even learn how to efficiently do so from websites like zippyshellcolumbus.com. Furthermore, by renting a home in Ohio you don’t have to worry about renovation and maintenance.

Cons of renting

Dealing with landlords can be difficult, to say the least. A decent landlord that values the honesty and punctuality of their tenants can be hard to find, which is why a lot of people have to endure bad ones. Also, while renting can be the cheaper option, it is by no means the cost-effective one in the long run. All the money that you spend on rent will go to your landlord instead of paying off your home. If you end up renting for years on end, you may rack up thousands of dollars in paid rent. Owning a pet is often not an option since landlords don’t want to put their real estate at risk. And if you want to change something, or incorporate something new, you will have to deal with your landlord.

Before you decide to buy or rent in Ohio, know that owning a pet is much easier if you own your home.

Alt: A cat resting in a home.

Final thoughts

Deciding whether to buy or rent in Ohio shouldn’t be on impulse. You need to take careful consideration of where you are and what you want in order to make the right decision. While it may seem that if you can afford a home you should buy it, a lot of people end up regretting doing so. As you will soon learn, dealing with real estate requires a lot of research and forethought, which is why we advise you to keep on reading and learn more before you make your choice.



