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8 Best Home Improvement Projects for Summer

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Alt-tag: A white house with grey garage doors

The summer is a great time to relax. With the warmer weather and everyone going on vacation, it is often the time of the year when not a lot gets done. This is great if you’ve had a lot of things to do during the other seasons, and the first quarter has been tough on you. However, we soon find that we need something to do with the free time on our hands. Summer is a great time for home improvement as the weather allows for outdoor work that is impossible during the more humid or colder months. There are many great home improvement projects for summer. In this article, we will examine some of the best and most productive ways to spend your time during the summer months. Here are our 8 best home improvement projects for summer.

Our best home improvement projects for summer listed

In this list, we are going to examine the 8 best ways we think you can spend your time improving your house. We cover everything from refurbishing certain parts to repainting, cleaning, and other creative ways. Have a look and see; maybe you will find the perfect project for your home right here.

1. Power wash the exterior

Power washing is a great way to give your house a fresh look. In fact, after a good power wash, it may look like you’ve just repainted the whole place! The best thing about power washing is that it isn’t terribly time-consuming. In fact, this could be a fun family activity. You can purchase or even rent power washing equipment. Power washing is definitely one of the easiest and most fun home improvement projects for summer. Bear in mind that if your home hasn’t gotten a good power wash in some time, hiring professionals may be better. Professionals usually have more powerful equipment, and a team of experienced washers will knock out the job in no time. Power washing your house regularly is a must if you decide to sell your home.

2. Replace the windows

Replacing the windows sounds like an awfully demanding task. It may be so, but there is no better time to handle this than the summer. With the cold, wet months being far away, window replacement will not create issues, even if it takes a couple of days to complete. Old windows with bad isolation can do a lot of damage. Just as well, having to deal with leaking windows that can create a draft can be costly. Bills go up, and you’re looking at a long-term net loss. Recent research by CNBC has shown that a 10,000$ investment in new windows yields an 8,500$ return when selling the house. If you add these 85% returns to all the money you save by reducing utility bills, you are actually making a profit!

Alt-tag: windows on a yellow house

Caption: Improving your windows saves on bills and makes your home look more beautiful and increases its value.

3. Do some landscaping

One of the most exciting and fun home improvement projects for summer is definitely landscaping. This is an activity that can involve the entire family. It allows so much creativity to be put into practice. Landscaping is great for another reason, and that is – it’s cheap! You can do amazing landscaping on a dime if you’ve got the skill and the vision. Sometimes, even the smallest details can spruce up the place. Having appealing landscaping done is very important if you’re in the market to sell your home. After all, the first impressions are made by what the buyer sees on the outskirts of your home.

4. Plant a garden

Just as with landscaping, planting a garden doesn’t need to drain your budget completely. It is also a great way to have fun with your family. This is why we had to put it on our list of home improvement projects for summer. Spending time outside with family and friends whilst sipping on a cold drink is priceless. Just as well, planting a family garden will be a wonderful way to create memories that stick. Improving your yard will also come in handy if you decide to move out of state, leave Ohio for good, and sell your property.

Alt-tag: a shovel with some dirt on it

Caption: Planting a garden can be one of the best home improvement projects for summer you can do with your family.

5. Build a shed

Now here is one of the most common home improvement projects for summer. Building a shed is an inexpensive way to create more storage room for your tools or unnecessary appliances and other items. It doesn’t take very expensive materials or tools to build a shed, which is great. A shed can be used for more than just storage. How about a place to hang out during the summer or a hobby room for any louder pastimes you may enjoy? Indeed, building a shed is a great little summer project for your home improvement.

6. Replace your roofing

This is a big one. Roofing can be very challenging to replace, and it will likely be time-consuming. It is also one of those activities that may be costly. However, it is important to understand the bigger picture here. Bad roofing leaves the entire home prone to destruction through water damage, which creates mold, and then the problems keep stacking. This will make your home utterly undesirable if you ever decide to contact real estate professionals and get your home listed. Investing in the replacement of your roofing will pay off in the long run, without a doubt.

Alt-tag: A roof that needs home improvement projects for summer

Caption: Quality roofing can be costly, but it does pay off in the long run by cutting other costs and increasing home value.

7. Restain your deck and replace gutters

This is likely a job you may be able to handle on your own. Stripping and restaining your deck is a job that takes place outside, and the summer is the perfect season for it. When you restain your deck, your home will gain a completely new look. With a fresh, vivid coat of color, it will feel alive. Additionally, replacing the gutters will add just the perfect touch to fully outline your home. Think of it as putting a new, eye-catching frame on a painting or a mirror. This little project will pay off if a potential buyer ever decides to take a 3D tour of the property.

8. Remodel your garage

The garage is a necessity for most. Without a place to park your vehicles, you leave them out to suffer in the elements. This expedites all the destructive processes that could otherwise be avoided. However, having a rundown garage with an unattractive exterior is no way to do it. Remodeling your garage could be one of summer’s most convenient home improvement projects. The summer is a great time to do this, as the weather is usually not humid, and you can keep your motor out for days without worrying.

It is a good idea to get help from professional movers if there are things you may need to move to create more space. Companies such as 24/7 Logistics Services FL are a huge help, as they can handle the removal and storage of any large items and also provide labor, if necessary. Having a well-built garage with a fresh paint job and a slick roll-up door can significantly boost your property’s price.

Home improvement projects for summer – the conclusion

The summer provides great conditions to handle many of the nagging tasks we otherwise cannot do. With the weather being dry and many people having less work than during the other seasons, no time is better. Any of these jobs are great projects for your spare time during the summer months. Scratch some home improvement projects for summer off the list, and you will have a more beautiful and expensive property.


FKW: Home improvement projects for summer

Meta: Here are our 8 best home improvement projects for summer. Spend your summer days making your home more beautiful and appealing.

Photos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/closed-white-wooden-framed-glass-windows-2290609/


